These questions have always been asked for many years by many people. As I listen to teaching from Abraham and many other Spiritual teachers, I feel I can relax because I know the answer. To some people, they won’t accept the answer and maybe ask a few more questions in reaching for a more detailed explanation. But I really am happy and satisfied with this explanation and you either accept this as your own or do not.
Feel Joy by Creation
We are put on earth on a quest for joy through creation. Our purpose is to create a connection through Source and to live our lives. We are always seeking joy even in a contrasting situation. A contrasting situation teaches us what we do not want and then we are wishing and hoping for something better. Through this, it is our creative process of asking by creating and manifesting our desires.
This is a vibrational energy that we line up with or in other words connect with the same frequency that brings us our desires. Lining up with what you have created by using your emotions and feelings as a primary manifestation.
Your Primary Goal
Your primary goal is to feel joy. When you get control of your emotions, your manifestations will unfold. It is also about the unfolding of it or the path taken. You should find joy on the path to receive your manifestation rather than only once it has arrived. It takes time and can test your patience but reassured your emotions are the primary measurement of your manifestation unfolding.
Accepting the imperfections of life as a creative process and embracing our differences. Without a contrasting situation, you would not know joy. Contrast is needed to feel the difference between joy and sadness. Be in charge of your own joy and emotional well-being, not other people’s. It is not up to others to make you happy, but your own. Find joy in the insignificant things, be general at first then when you get better then dream big. Go to the happiest moments in the past and soak up those emotions and let them flow to your now to raise that vibration.
Use the techniques taught in the other sections of this website to help you reach a better emotional level. Keep the momentum going by meditating and quieting your mind. Expect it to unfold gradually and enjoy it noticing the small things that are put in front of you. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but hey watch that beautiful butterfly and that nice smile on the person next to you. Those small things can lead to the bigger ones.
This is the creation process for us to learn and experience this beautiful vibrational world we live in.
by Sandra Wilson